Harrow International School Hong Kong started its jounrey in September 2012 and now has almost 1500 students between the age of 3 to 18. Situated in a superb sickle molded structure with uniquely constructed offices close to the Gold Coast Tuen Mun, Harrow School is the sole British international boarding and day school in Hong Kong. The school incorporates components of instructive way of thinking, practice, and conventions from Harrow School in England into the assorted international network of Hong Kong to give profoundly particular training. Its vision, authority for a superior world, plans to prepare and provoke the students to utilize their insight, aptitudes, and abilities to improve their life.
- Heritage:
Harrow School, UK has been home to world pioneers, artists, and eminence. Quite moving characters such as Sir Winston Churchill, Lord Byron and so forth gained education from this School. Harrow School, UK, is saturated with rich history and legacy. The School was established in February 1572 under a Royal Charter allowed by Queen Elizabeth I to John Lyon, a well-off local rancher. Lyon kicked the bucket in 1592, and afterward no. of headways occurred in the school for example development of lodgings, a discourse room, advancement of local feasting corridor, and further modernization of the educational program.
Harrow Bangkok was the principal Harrow School in Asia to be established in 1998, trailed by Harrow Beijing in 2005, Harrow Hong Kong in 2012 and Harrow Shanghai in 2016.
The Harrow group of Schools share scholarly excellence and a wide based learning experience inside a customary system, while supporting educator-student connections and intercultural relations.
- Excellence:
At Harrow, the UK educational program is offered, so when students join in; they will be quickly acquainted with what is expected from them. Which educational program you wish to follow will most likely rely upon a few elements. These can incorporate where you come from, the phase of instruction that you are at, the future instructive requirements just as in the event that you wish to go to college. For students who are from the UK or wish to proceed with their schooling in the UK, Harrow School is the ideal decision due to the likenesses to the UK instructive framework.
By far most of the school personnel is from the UK, which implies that there are a few similitudes between this school and those in the UK.
Various facilities are given to the instructors and students, with the goal that they remain motivated and glad. Additionally, there is a connection between the facilities and the students’ accomplishments.
In Harrow, students, for an assortment of reasons, have a superior mentality towards learning. Students are all the more ready to learn and make the most of their schooling. Obviously, this improved mentality and joy are reflected in the results accomplished.
Harrow offers its students the alternative to partake in an assorted and far reaching scope of exercises including various sports, music, and arts just as occasions to make a trip to various nations and experience various societies. Practically all students participate in at least one exercise, and it is a fabulous route for them to warm up to likeminded individuals. It is, obviously, helpful from a social point of view, and the School accepts that it frames a vital portion of the general learning experience.
In this way, on the off chance that you are thinking about moving to Hong Kong from the UK, as long as you pick the correct school, you won’t have any worries about the scholastic future.
- Caring Community:
The quality and significance of peaceful arrangement is one of the crucial components of Harrow Hong Kong training and is basic to the prosperity and accomplishment of its students. From the day the School opened, there has been a huge accentuation on the nature of connections in the School community and the accentuation has been on building up positive, deferential connections.
The School characterizes leadership as having a constructive outcome through individuals, and the representation of this social vision assists to prepare and challenge its students to utilize their insight, aptitudes and abilities to improve life for other people – regardless of whether this is at local level or School community or on a worldwide scale.
The School Psychologist, Dr. Gogna, runs nurturing courses. It is the foundation of the School’s peaceful consideration arrangement thus numerous guardians grasp the precepts of positive brain science. The more grounded philosophical arrangement of guardians and the School encourages the School to work viably to permit its students to flourish at School.
The “Partnership Agreement” among Home and School which all guardians sign on their children’s admission to the School, is the proper framework of the desires for the critical partners in the School community: The School, guardians and students. It urges guardians to have their influence in guaranteeing that a powerful, positive association occurs, in light of the fact that it has a solid positive effect on students’ academic results, co-curricular accomplishment and emotional prosperity.
- Boarding:
Harrow Hong Kong is the main international school in Hong Kong, which gives the chance of a boarding education.
All students, regardless of whether day or boarders, are members of a House. The Houses give rich occasions to associating with students from a wide scope of foundations and for growing more significant associations with educators and their companions. This comes partially from the everyday challenge of living with others, through which students build up the complexities of human connection. The genuine quality of a House is the vertical incorporation of various year gatherings, which successfully makes an enormous nuclear family, permitting duties to tumble to elder students to think about and uphold more younger students. The outcome is the formation of an affectionate, family air in which guests feel that it is their home during term time, and in which all students feel cheerful, secure, and esteemed.
- Conclusion:
The objective of Hong Kong International School is that the students accomplish top assessment results, and form into compassionate youngsters with solid qualities, who wish to create a positive impact on the world.