A CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant is a person who perform a job of healthcare professional and assists patients and doctors as and when required with its services. They work in close supervision of a RN and LPN. They work in Hospitals, Nursing homes, Day care centers and personal homes. Most of these places have almost same kind of responsibilities, find some information here below on responsibilities of CNA such as:
- To help patients by taking care of their needs. Taking care of patients is the most critical job responsibility of a CNA. Some patients have lot of difficulty in keeping the hygiene during their stay in the hospital, here nursing assistants take care of them and make them feel comfortable.
- Most important role and responsibility of CNA is to understand the needs of the patient and assist their RN. They have to listen to patient’s need, document it and send report of patient’s health to the RN.
- Recording vital signs of the patient like taking temperature and blood pressure is another responsibility of CNA in assisting RN. They always have to be accurate about the time of recording the vitals and reporting them on time.
- After getting discharged from the hospital, the patient is not fully capable of taking care of personal need all by themselves, here CNA can extendtheir responsibility and duty by helping patients at home by looking after their hygiene and taking care of their medicines.
- Understanding the multiple health issues of patient is also a responsibility of nursing assistant. Here the time management plays an important role as with so many complications, it is very crucial to assist RN on time.
If a person is focused to become a good CNA, thenhe/she must put effort to complete their responsibilities efficiently and successfully, this will also mark a strong impression on the patients as well as co-workers.