Picking a university is a huge decision, one that will continue to have an impact upon your life for many years to come. It is a decision that we are expected to make at a young age, when often we are still questioning the path that we wish to take in life or when we are unsure of so many other aspects of our lives. Whilst no one can make that decision for you, we have provided seven tips that have been suggested by our assignment writers, who have all had experience in making this decision and achieving academic success.
1) Start early
Many universities and courses in the UK operate on a first-come first-served basis and it is better to be early than too late. Start researching your options as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
2) Do your homework
As an essay writer, it is often deemed necessary that we conduct research prior to deciding what should be included within an assignment. Research EVERYTHING about your potential university, the local area, and the course itself and remember that an informed decision is much easier to make.
3) Speak to people
Speak to as many people as you possibly can: teachers, family, friends, lecturers, and previous students can all provide invaluable advice and information about the courses or universities that you are considering. However, whilst you should consider any advice that is given, it is important to remember this is your decision, your choice and the consequences will impact on your life.
4) Course content
There are lots of courses to choose from and whilst you might have an idea of what career you want, sometimes it is difficult to choose which course is better for achieving that dream. Perhaps you’re looking for a more practical course, one that is based on exams, or perhaps for the assignment writers amongst you, a course which is coursework-based may be more suited. Look at the content carefully, examine the modules, and make sure that if needed, the course that you have chosen is accredited by the relevant organisation. Most importantly, choose a course that you are going to enjoy; it is much easier to drag yourself to class after a heavy night when you love your subject!
5) The location
Whilst choosing a university, it may seem more sensible to focus primarily upon rankings in league tables and course content but remember that the location of your university will be your home for the next three years. Consider the local city or town; think about possibilities for part time work, the local social life or amenities but most importantly, prioritise the factors what you consider to be important.
6) Student life
Whether it is crazy nights at the Student Union or weekly meetings at the Biscuit Appreciation Society that float your boat, life at university is often made up of the happiest memories; memories that are often made outside the lecture hall. Writing essays, attending class, and studying for exams are all important but we all need to recognise the importance of achieving a work-life balance. Remember that the friends you make at university often become friends for life and also being an active member of a student society looks great on your CV and to future prospective employers.
7) Trust your instincts
Sometimes in life we just have to trust our instincts and decisions that we make are often premised upon a gut feeling. We believe that this should be one of the most influential factors in your decision-making process; if you feel that unexplainable connection with a particular university or course and your previous research has indicated that this is the right choice, then go for it!