The first step that you need to take in order to become an effective tutor is to keep developing your institutional practice. Any educator can learn provided he spends sufficient time in a job but if you can make it a point to learn on your own you can speed up the process and that too at a significant rate. These days there are plenty of resources from where you can learn. The major examples, in this case, would be online resources, publications, workshops, webinars, and material brought out by professional groups. From here you can learn various methods, strategies, and practices that are going to help you in the long run as an educator.
One such resource would be eduinreviewblog. If you wished to learn you can also avail the help of social media websites like Twitter and LinkedIn to name a few. At these websites, you would be able to exchange ideas with others of your ilk and also learn from the more experienced members of your fraternity. You can also exchange resources and expand your reach to become a part of the worldwide network of educators such as yourself.
Self-reflection is also an important part of the learning process. You need to constantly evaluate how effective you are as an educator. In fact, experts say that the best time to perform such reviews is right after a class ends. This according to them is the best time for you to assess how effective your instructional practices have been. Based on the response that you got from the class that concluded just now you would be able to make a fair assessment as well. At times, the same purpose can also be served by surveys taken by students at the end of a course.
Continuing to develop one’s academic skills
This is the second step of this particular process. In fact, experts say that this happens to be an often neglected part of education these days.
As such they suggest that educators should frequently take recourse to the same. The general view among most educators is that this is not an area they are willing to accord a high amount of priority. The only time they do it is when they have to do it as part of the classroom audits. It is done as compulsion and not willingly by the educators in question. In case the academic writing skills of an educator are not up to the mark he may face issues in being able to provide detailed feedback to the students.
This issue assumes even greater proportions for online instructors. If your messages have mistakes in crucial areas such as spelling, grammar, and formatting there is a chance that students would not take you seriously at all. You can easily develop your academic skills with the help of online resources and workshops. There are plenty of online schools these days that would offer faculty workshops and as far as a resource of self-development goes this one is valuable in the truest sense of the term.