A school is a safe place for kids, but usually, kids get hurt on the playground, fight with another student, anger, in practicing and more. A School can take care of all these things, however, handling kids is not that easy as you think.
You may hear of some stories about kid’s harassment or injuries where parents successfully sued the school. As parents, you hand over your kids in safe hands for a day. But in return when your child is not safe you should sue the school.
There are numerous reasons to sue the school, but you need to follow the right path by talking with your attorney to answer the question, if I slipped at school can I sue? Or whatever your query is. If it was caused by the negligence of the administration, poor security system, or other parts of the school, you should act quickly.
An attorney can help you thoroughly and provide the entire process and ensure that you follow the right path and toward remuneration.
The entire process is given below so read out carefully and follow them to sue the school.
- Contact School Administration
To resolve any problem, you should first talk to the school’s administrative team. If they are not available and cannot do anything for you, you can call the school board or district. Check the district’s website and call their number to file your complaint about the school.
However, the contact information depends on a school where your child is studying, if the school is private you can contact the administration first or if it is public contact the district first.
- File A Complaint
Your next step is to file a complaint. You need to make sure your complaint is strong. In a complaint letter, be sure to include the school name, address, and number. After that, provide a description of what happened, how and where it happened, and who is responsible. Lastly, write down what would you do if you were in their place, and what you want from the school, etc.
- Collect Evidence
The complaint filed will need evidence to prove it happened. Speak with school teachers and other staff members who were present at that time, and check out any CCTV camera footage. If the incident happened in front of the camera, that can be very helpful. However, if it was not on camera, you can use pictures or a map to mark the location it happened in the school. You also need to provide a doctor’s report and other documents that prove your child suffered an injury.
- Contribute In The Investigation
After getting approval on the investigation you must involve yourself in an entire case study. The district may take interview of you and your child as well. Upon reviewing any evidence and discussing the occurrence, the school staff and the district will make a decision, and you can sue the school at that time.
Final Thoughts
If your question is I slipped at school can I sue? The answer is yes. The cleaning staff is responsible for your harm. You must take action to sue the school.