The regulations do not specify the qualifications of a person designated to provide first aid. Elementary knowledge in this field is passed on during mandatory training in betrieblicher ersthelfer kurs, which every employee must undergo initially and periodically.
Security at the enterprise
This does not mean, however, that the employer may appoint a random employee with the most basic preparation acquired only during the above-mentioned training. On the contrary, he should make every effort to ensure that the employee acquires the appropriate skills adequate to the risks in the workplace. Other dangers occur in offices (a two-day training course may be sufficient here), and others in industrial plants (in this case, the employer should consider sending an employee to a qualified ersthelfer im betrieb kurs).
It should also be remembered that in some establishments, employers are required to train almost all staff (e.g. teachers in schools and educational institutions), which specifies the ersthelfer anzahl im betrieb.
Employee Responsibility
Providing first aid is not an easy task. It is also associated with a sense of great responsibility. The very occurrence of an accident, suffering various injuries by the victims, and the awareness of the need to provide them with first aid generates enormous stress and tension. As a result, first-aid workers often fear whether they will be criminally liable if they provide help inappropriately.
Criminal liability does not include a person who, to save the health or life of another person, takes action to the best of his abilities and knowledge. It is punishable to take no action in the event of a threat to the health or life of another person and for damages caused as a result of willful or negligent action or deliberate action to the detriment of the accident victim.