Are finals coming up? Exams got you by the neck? If you are like me whose study habits are probably one of the worst in the world, you probably just started studying today and the exam is just across the horizon.
Despite what people say, it is never too early or too late to develop a disciplined study process that is guaranteed to boost your marks. When you get into a study groove, everything will follow.
Give yourself a chance against exams with these 6 Study Tips that Will Surely Change Your Life.
- Review and Revise
Contrary to popular belief, studying for exams should not be done the night before. It should be a constant review throughout the term. Try to visit your notes once in a while to remind yourself of the lessons you might have forgotten already. The best way to do this is to take 15-30 minutes a week just skimming through your notes and jotting down what you did not understand. This is a better way than going through everything all at once in a time-pressured situation. It is guaranteed that you will miss out on relevant and important information.
- Take Breaks
Don’t burn yourself out on the night of an exam. The more exhausted your brain gets, the lower it will function during your exams. Take a 5-10 minute break for every hour of studying to keep your brain active. Working too much can decrease your performance.
When you take a break, get away from where you are studying. Go out. Take a walk. Run a lap outside. This helps you see things from a different perspective, often helping you piece out some issues that you did not get/understand before.
- Study Groups
Gather your friends and study in an enclosed space. Unless you’re an introvert who hates to be with people, a group environment is guaranteed to help you get into a studying groove. They may also have information that you don’t know and vice versa. Help each other out. School is not a competition. One downside to this, however, is that often times, friends fall into a comfortable atmosphere and forget studying altogether. Stay focused.
Go to the library so you don’t have a lot of distractions.
- Practice on Previous Exams
You know what they say. Practice makes perfect. One of the most effective ways to prepare for exams is to practice taking past versions on that subject. This helps you get used to the format and the time pressure so that when you take the test, you don’t experience as much difficulty as the others. Previous exams by the same professor also gives you an insight on which topics your professors favour.
You can get practice exams by asking your upperclassmen or going online. There are a lot of free exams available online.
- Snack on Brain food
One common mistake that most students do during Finals week is eating unhealthy. Most of them cited lack of time as an excuse. However, what you eat is very important, especially during Finals Week. Keeping your body and brain healthy and well-fuelled should be one of your priorities. Keep away from junk food and start munching on nutritious food that has been proven to aid concentration and memory such as fish, nuts, seeds, yogurt, and blueberries.
On exam day, eat a good meal that provide you with here are hundreds of sites offering online courses for free. it has low release of energy. Sugar is a no-no as you experience an energy crash later on.
- Check out Online Lectures
The internet is your friend. If there is a topic that you don’t understand or have no notes for, don’t be afraid to check the internet for online lectures. online courses for free. Most of these lectures are uploaded in YouTube for your viewing. Follow YouTube channels that are relevant to your course and learn from them.
There’s a lot of things you have to do to get great marks. However, you must realize that grades are not everything. It doesn’t and will never define you so don’t put too much pressure on your self. Just do your best and I’m sure the rest will follow. Good luck with the exams!