Also known as upgraded nurse jobs – occupational health nurse jobs are a notch above what regular nurses do. Today’s world is fast-paced, which means that everything must move in tandem and keep up. Nursing, hence, needs to keep up as well and keep on evolving with the times in order to bring about a change and also improve upon the kind of services that are being provided. Earlier on nurses, were generally bound to hospitals and clinics but now they can also work beyond the four hospital walls as well as seek exponential potential growth in new fields. Occupational health vacancies are now open for nurses who employ them with industrial companies.
Leaning upon the kind of experience and specialized education that nurses receive, occupational health nurses are registered nurses, who are basically responsible for keeping an eye on the health status of workers along with being able to assess if there are any hazards attached to the task that they are performing. Jobs in occupational health basically deal with the prevention of any kind of risks that any potential work environment might have due to exposure to a ny kind of hazardous material or risks. Occupational health nurse jobs are also associated with treating any kind of illnesses or injuries that the workforce might suffer from.
- For people who think that being an occupational health nurse is an easy job then you need to understand that they are much more advanced and receive a different kind of professional training from regular hospital nurses. Apart from the regular educational qualification that nurses receive occupational health nurse jobs might also be required to undergo certain kinds of training to obtain a certification wherein they are taught the right set of skills as well as the attitude for being on the job.
- Another significant difference between occupational health most jobs and regular jobs is that the main aim of occupational health nurses is to lessen the number of sick patients or injuries in the workplace. As they have been employed to prevent diseases and to promote a healthier living that is their priority. One of the basic tenets would be that today in the modern era that we require, is more preventative care as opposed to curative methods. Hence occupational health nurse jobs are much more concerned with the identification of risks as well as hazards in a workplace, as opposed to their clinical counterparts who are more concerned with curative methods than preventative ones.
- For registered nurses, the safety of their patients is a priority and when it comes to occupational health nurses, they have to work in tandem with businesses and corporation to ensure the safety of the entire workforce. Given, that in case there is a breakout of an illness, they would have to follow standard medical protocol – however they also have to maintain a good balance of health and safety together as opposed to just the health aspect of the workers.
Apart from all this, jobs in occupational health also require their nurses to be experts at documentation and report making, which means that everything that happens needs to be recorded in the most elaborate manner for further audit. So there you have it, here are a few basic differences between occupational health nurse jobs and regular nurse jobs.