The Best School Report Writer – What to Look Out For
School reports are important for a multitude of reasons. From the more immediate reasons such as communicating progress, areas of concern and opportunity to parents. To the more novel, personal reasons, such as keeping them as a personal keepsake and track of your history and progress. No matter the capacity, they have an important place in the system.
That being said, for teachers, they can be more of a time-consuming nuisance than anything else. We’re sure many teachers have been there, late at night with multiple word documents open, possibly copying and pasting comments between students who have similar qualities. Not to mention the many hours spell checking and ensuring that the formatting of the report is just right. It can be a painfully long process.
Given that these reports are typically produced twice a year for each Key Stage group, that’s a lot of time spent on the minor details, all in all, preventing you from putting your full energy and attention on the actual content of the report.
But, did you know there is a solution? There are tools out there to help you speed this process up. Cutting down the time it takes you to format and spell-check; letting you focus on the all-important information that you’re passing onto parents and carers alike. But, what’s the best school report writer and how do you know it’ll help?
There are a few key features that you should look out for when viewing the various school report writers out there. Let’s go through them.
A strong timeline that clearly states your deadlines for the reports is incredibly beneficial. One that also allows headteachers to submit comments? Even better.
Most schools have their set template and format for their reports. You already know how time-consuming it is to create this in Word or similar programme, ensuring that the formatting is perfect each time. You’ll want a school report writer that can load in set templates and give you the option to upload your own.
Reference Information
Nothing makes report writing easier than having the student’s information to hand. Be sure to find a school report writer that has this feature, you’ll be amazed at how much time and brainpower it’ll save you.
Who and How Will it Help?
School report writers don’t just make life easier for teachers. They also make a great deal of difference to the SLT (School Leadership Team) and, of course, parents.
Having all the school reports in one, easily accessible place is incredible for the SLT. Whether it’s approving comments, assigning students, setting deadlines or generally seeing the progress of each teacher. There are many benefits to a school report writer for the SLT, plus they should be able to email the reports directly to parents, nice and easily.
And for the parents? Well, they’ll receive an informative report, written with care thanks to the extra time teachers have had to devote to the contents.