IELTS is an English language examination that puts your different skills be it speaking, reading, writing or listening to test. The best IELTS institute in Ludhiana prepares you from the start, you get well acquainted with the intricacies of the exam and learn the ways to ace the test. Your score in the test demonstrates the fact whether you are qualified or not to enroll for educational purposes in foreign universities of countries like Canada, New Zealand, Denmark or Australia. Even if you wish to apply for residency programs, you will have to appear for the exam.
The format of examination
The institute prepares you for both types of IELTS – Academic and General. Those who wish to apply for foreign countries for studies need to apply for the Academic IELTS and those who wish to relocate have to appear for the General IELTS. IELTS coaching center in Ludhiana gets you ready for the exam through one to one and interactive sessions. Different countries ask for different scores to allow you for courses in their universities. There is no fixed pass or fail score.
Understanding the exam
The format of Academic and General IELTS is almost same.
In the speaking test, there are three parts and it lasts for approximately fifteen minutes.
In the first part, the examiner will ask you questions about yourself, your family or work.
In the second part, you will be given a topic and you will have to speak on it. IELTS institute in Ludhiana helps you build a rich vocabulary that helps you while speaking and you create a great impression with your verbal skills. Regular practice doesn’t let you feel nervous and you feel confident to speak on any topic you will be given.
In the third part, you will need to speak on the topic you had been given in the second part. The difference is that in this part, will need to speak for a longer duration and in details.
The experienced teachers of the IELTS coaching center in Ludhiana help you prepare for the speaking test through one to one practice and do not discriminate between fast or slow learners. You get an idea of how the actual test will be and wherever you need to get better, you are guided by some of the best teachers.
Crucial factors
You don’t need to be an excellent orator to qualify in this part of the test. And neither your knowledge is tested. Though a good vocabulary helps and it is advisable that even if you fumble while talking, you shouldn’t stop as it might create a negative impression on the examiner.
The topics given are general in nature and nothing to fret about. The test just checks whether you have the basic verbal skills of the English language so that you can express yourself well when you visit any foreign country, be it for studies or residency.
Regular practice will give you the required confidence and at IELTS institute in Ludhiana we have trainers who guide on how to speak coherently and express yourself well. With the proper guidance and right determination, you will easily ace the test.