Your EIN, or employer identification number, is used by the internal revenue services to identify your business for tax purposes. It is a nine-digit number that the internal revenue service’s assign you to identify your business as an entity. It resembles closely to that of a social security number, but the format is, 12-3456789.
All business entities are required to obtain an EIN number including that of an estate. To answer your question, no you do not need to obtain a new EIN if you move out of state. To obtain an EIN number, you can use the website IRS-EIN-Tax-ID to fill out your application.
While obtaining a new EIN number for your estate if you move is not necessary, making sure you do have one is. An estate is a money, property, or other assets that will be given to the beneficiaries of the estate after the owner is deceased. The executor or the administrator of the estate is in charge of managing it and any other assets. This also includes paying in taxes that are left.
They will file income tax returns for the previous estate owner including any years they did not file before they passed. Since they will be filing taxes, this is what requires an estate to have a tax identification number.
If an estate operates a business after the owner’s death, a new EIN number would need to be attained. To do so, IRS-EIN-Tax-ID has broken down the hassle of filing one into three simple steps.
- Select entity (estate)
- Enter information
- Review and submit
They have government agents that provide processing and filling services which helps your paperwork process more smoothly. If applied for during business hours, you will receive your EIN number during the same day. Typically, you’ll receive it in one hour via email.