Nearly 1.5 million people residing in UK have been suffering from learning disability. In addition, approximately two million people suffer visual impairment. Out of these figures, around 25,000 children suffer from sight loss and 286,000 children have learning disabilities. Keeping these figures in mind would make it imperative to mention that students learning despite disabilities would need assistive or adaptive technology for supporting their education needs. A charity operating blind school along with care schools for visually impaired children, Royal Blind investigates the various kinds of technologies supporting students having complex disabilities, through their education when extra support is needed.
It would not be wrong to suggest that usage of technology could enhance the learning experience of various children struggling to receive education due to their disabilities. Assistive technology would help the student learn around their disabilities in the best manner possible.
Understanding assistive technology
Assistive technology could address several kinds of learning disabilities in order to provide enhanced education experience for the student and the teacher. Assistive technology is also known as AT encompasses requisite tools to be used for assisting students having disabilities in learning. They would help them in listening, writing, listening, organisation and math. AT could be implemented despite the student being dyslexic, visually impaired or suffers from several other disabilities. AT would help in the education process in the best manner possible. AT has been popular for improving writing and reading skills.
Various kinds of assistive technology
AT makes use of several kinds of tools for assisting the students in learning and writing needs. Most common tools would be computer hardware, electronic devices and various other digital tools. It would be pertinent to mention here that you should look forward to making use of the right kind of AT tools suitable to your specific needs. The tools should be used to the strength of the student. It should be reliable, portable and easy to use.